Dear Readers!
This page provides information on the import of pets from Ukraine. For the importation of dogs and cats from other countries, the requirements may differ. Contact us if you have any doubts about any nuance and want to clarify the details. We consult on any issues related to the overexposure and transportation of pets in Ukraine and the world.
Animal passport
To export a pet from Ukraine, you always need an international animal passport with a photo (if the animal is under one year old, you don’t need to take a photo). The animal passport is drawn up and filled in by a veterinary doctor at the state clinic at the place of residence. The following information is added to it:
- Full name, address of residence of the owner.
- Nickname, date of birth of the pet.
- Microchip code.
- Vaccination and surgical data.
Vaccination labels with a batch number are pasted into the animal passport and confirmed by the signature of the veterinarian.
Information about chipping
A dog or cat must be chipped to enter most countries.
- The owner is responsible for reading the chip.
- Chips of the international standard ISO 11784 or ISO 11785 (namely, these are installed in Ukraine) are read without problems at checkpoints.
- If your pet has a different chip, then the owner needs to check in advance whether the required reader is available or take it with him.
The chip is not required if your pet has an identifying ear tattoo made before July 3, 2011, and if documents are confirming this.
Brief information on anti-rabies injections
Vaccination is carried out after chipping or simultaneously with it, only with foreign-made vaccines registered in Ukraine (Nobivak Rabies, Nobivak LR, Biocan R). Export from Ukraine is allowed no earlier than 30 days after vaccination, but the requirements for import into the country of destination need to be clarified specifically. The vaccine must be active (most are 12 months, some 2-3 years).
Rabies Antibody Test
If an anti-rabies antibody test is required to enter a country, it is important to know:
- Blood serum with a package of documents is sent for research only to a certified laboratory.
- It is done no earlier than 30 days after the rabies vaccination.
- Usually, after taking blood for analysis before entering the country, it must take 90 days.
- The antibody titer must be equal to or greater than 0.5 IU/ml.
The features of the import of an animal into each specific country.
EU countries
The European Union includes 27 states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden, and Estonia.
For non-commercial purposes, a maximum of 5 dogs and cats are allowed at a time.
Pet requirements:
- Chip is required (see requirements above).
- The owner must provide a form No. 1 veterinary certificate (issued at the state clinic). On this basis, a veterinary certificate is issued, VeterinarycertificatetoEU. This is done by the border state inspector of veterinary medicine no earlier than 10 days before the border passes.
- Rabies vaccination and antibody testing are mandatory (see requirements above). Quarantine 90 days after blood collection. List of certified laboratories.
- It is mandatory to treat the animal from ectoparasites and worms and at least two vaccinations against viral diseases (in addition to rabies vaccination), made in the last year before departure.
- A certificate of breeding value or a document confirming that the pet does not represent breeding value.
Please note: animals are brought into the EU only through certain border checkpoints where veterinary control workers are present.
Most EU countries have a list of dogs that are banned for import, representatives of “dangerous” and “aggressive” breeds. Most often, it includes pit bull terriers, mastiffs, bull terriers, staffordshire terriers. The list is different for each country. So, if you have doubts about the admissibility of importing your pet, it is better to clarify this point in advance.
CIS countries
CIS member states are Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
According to the requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union, no more than 2 dogs or cats can be imported for non-commercial purposes.
Before transportation, you need to issue the aforementioned international veterinary passport, as well as a veterinary certificate form No. 1. The certificate includes the results of a clinical examination by a veterinarian, made no more than 14 days before the trip.
- A microchip is required.
- Vaccination against rabies is mandatory.
- For dogs, vaccines are required against: a plague of carnivores, hepatitis, parvovirus infections, and adenovirus infections, leptospirosis (except for treatment with a certified substance for this disease, the corresponding mark is required), and treatment for helminths.
- A vaccine against panleukopenia is required for cats.
The same rules apply for Norway as for the EU countries + for dogs, an echinococcosis treatment is required, done 24-120 hours before the trip.
Also, the Norwegian District Office must be notified of the arrival time and place at least 48 hours in advance.
Prohibited to import: Argentine Dogo, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Tosa Inu, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Fila Brasileiro, and crossbred of these breeds.
Important! The list of certified laboratories for the rabies antibody test is different from the list for the EU.
The Swiss veterinary community invites those wishing to enter the country with pets to take a special test to find out what documents they need. Right here.
- A microchip is required.
- Veterinary certificate of an international standard, issued by a customs veterinarian based on a veterinary certificate of form No. 1, issued in advance at the state clinic. Rabies vaccination and rabies antibody test + quarantine 90 days after blood collection.
- Dogs with docked ears and/or tails are not allowed.
Prohibited for import: American Staffordshire Terrier, English Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bandog, all hybrids and crossbred of these breeds.
To transport your pet to Malta you will need:
- Veterinary certificate of an international standard, issued by a customs veterinarian based on a veterinary certificate of form No. 1, issued in advance at the state clinic. Rabies vaccination and rabies antibody test + quarantine 90 days after blood collection.
- Tapeworm treatment – for dogs only.
- Advance notice form – must be submitted at least 3 days before travel.
You cannot bring in more than 5 pets. An exception is if they take part in a show or competition and you have papers to prove it.
Forbidden to import: Argentine Dogo, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tosa Inu, Fila Brasileiro.
- A microchip is required.
- No more than two dogs or cats per person.
- You need to have a certificate of rabies vaccination and an analysis for the presence of antibodies to rabies. No quarantine is needed.
- The dog must be treated for helminths.
- Veterinary certificate of an international standard, issued by a customs veterinarian based on a veterinary certificate of form No. 1, issued in advance at the state clinic. VETERINARY CERTIFICATE FOR DOMESTIC DOGS AND CATS ENTERING ISRAEL: certified by seals at the veterinary control of the airport of departure.
- Arrival Notice Papers: Annex B and Annex C.
Forbidden to import: Argentine Dogo, Pit Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Rottweilers, Fila Brasileiro, Tosa Inu.
- Only a microchip and only ISO 11874 or 11875 standards! No other form of identification is acceptable.
- Rabies vaccination and rabies antibody testing are mandatory.
- Vaccines are also required for dogs: plague, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus (DHLP).
- For cats, vaccines are required: feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia (FVRCP).
- Veterinary certificate of an international standard, issued by a customs veterinarian based on a veterinary certificate of form No. 1, issued in advance at the state clinic.
Important: to enter Indonesia, you need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Agriculture. It usually takes about 14 days to receive it, indeed a month. To obtain it you need: a copy of the owner’s passport, a copy of the pet’s passport, veterinary certificate form No. 1.
In Indonesia, the possible quarantine will be needed for 7-14 days, depending on each specific animal.
Great Britain
The animal must have:
- Rabies vaccination.
- Rabies antibodies blood test + quarantine 90 days after blood collection. Vaccination against tapeworm (echinococcosis).
- Veterinary certificate of an international standard, issued by a customs veterinarian based on a veterinary certificate of form No. 1, issued in advance at the state clinic.
- Treatment for helminths.
You cannot bring in more than 5 pets if you do not plan to attend sports and other events and do not have documents confirming this. A list of airports and seaports that accept travelers with pets can be found here.
Forbidden to import: American Pit Bull Terrier, Fila Brasileiro, Tosa Inu, Argentine Dogo.
- There is only one mandatory vaccine – against rabies.
- A microchip is required.
- Treatment of worms.
- Veterinary certificate of an international standard, issued by a customs veterinarian based on a veterinary certificate of form No. 1, issued in advance at the state clinic.
The specificity of transporting animals to the United States is that in some states it is prohibited to import dogs of flat-faced cats from June to August due to the too high air temperature, which makes breathing difficult.
There is no federal law in the United States that would impose restrictions on certain dog breeds nationwide, but there are state restrictions.
- A microchip is required.
- No prior notice of arrival is required.
- Veterinary certificate of an international standard, issued by a customs veterinarian based on a veterinary certificate of form No. 1, issued in advance at the state clinic.
- A certificate of rabies vaccination is required, but you do not need to have an antibody test.
There is no nationwide ban on the import of certain breeds of dogs, but Pit Bulls are banned in Ontario and Manitoba.
You can take the test and find out if you need any additional documents for your pet here.
You can take two pets per person.
- A microchip is required.
- Rabies vaccine.
- A blood test for antibodies to rabies is not required but recommended. In fact, in its absence, the animal can be quarantined for 90 days.
- Veterinary certificate of an international standard, issued by a customs veterinarian based on a veterinary certificate of form No. 1, issued in advance at the state clinic.
Puppies and kittens under the age of three months can enter Turkey with their mother, provided that it meets the above requirements, and in the presence of the necessary veterinary documents (without vaccination against rabies), but a permit must first be obtained.
The sale, purchase, and exchange of pit bulls, fila brasileiro, tosa inu, argentine mastiffs, and crossbred of these breeds are prohibited.
To import dogs or cats into Ukraine from any country in the world, an international microchip is required. Also:
- It is necessary to pass an anti-rabies antibody titer + quarantine 90 days after blood collection.
- Provide a “health certificate”, a document confirming the absence of diseases in the pet.
- Provide an international animal passport with full vaccination. Moreover, the rabies vaccine must meet international standards.
- Provide information on the treatment of worms and fleas made no earlier than 48 hours before the trip.
Neither a dog nor a cat? You should check if your pet can be transported!
Please note: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) prohibits the sale and transport of nearly 5,000 endangered species of living things. If you are planning to transport a turtle, parrot, or guinea pig, as well as other pets, and are not sure if they belong to the “rare” species, it is better to check in advance. For example, here.
If you are transporting a pet for the first time, you may have many questions, and in this situation, it is better to ask any, even the most insignificant, than to make a mistake and forget some document. Do you have any doubts? You can write or call us. We will help!