Transporting pets by car

Pet transport by car is carried out by our drivers in their own cars. We transport only pets.

Pet transport by car is planned in advance. This requires serious preparation and organization, careful registration of all necessary documents for the transportation of the animal.

  • Each animal goes in an individual box (all sizes are available)
  • Animals are monitored round the clock
  • We often stop, walk, clean the box, feed and offer water
  • We are always in touch. You always know about the details of the process of transportation

Additional information

Necessary documents

We prepare documents for animal accompanying ourselves.

Only some data is required from you:

– we need to know the animal’s microchip number (it is possible to chip in our company), breed, sex, color;

–   name and surname of a recipient, delivery address, phone number (international format).

What countries pets can be transported to?

Pet transport by car is possible to the following countries: EU (almost all countries), Great Britain, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, RF, RB.

Transportation to some countries is temporarily not available as a result of the current situation in the world.

For any additional information please call or contact by e-mail.